
Chipovskaya Anya

Date of birth:
June 16 1987

Moscow Art Theater School (MHAT), course of K. Raykin

Language skills:
German, French, English
Natalya Algereeva
+7 926 749 03 73

2024 «Perviy class» (First grade)
Director: Svetlana Samoshina
2024 «Lubvi ne bivaet» (There is no love) »
Director: Dmitry Fiks

2024 «Doctor Preobrazhenskiy 2»
Director: Artem Nasibulin
2023 «Khokkeynyye papy» (Fathers of hockey players)
Director: Andrey Bulatov
2022 «Passengers. The last love on Earth»
Director: Artem Litvinenko
2022 «Aurora»
Director: Roman Volobuev
2022 «Sisters»
Director: Ivan Petukhov
2021 «Masha»
Director: Anastasiya Palchikova
2021 «Anybody Seen My Girl?»
Director: Angelina Nikonova
2021 «Intervention»
Director: Kseniya Zueva
2020 «Locked Up»
Director: Ivan Petukhov
2020 «Halley’s Comet»
Director: Milena Fadeeva
2020 «The Last Minister»
Director: Roman Volobuev
2020 «Psycho»
Director: Fedor Bondarchuk
2020 «Russian Spleen»
Director: Aleksey Kamynin
2019 «The End of the Season»
Director: Konstantin Khudyakov
2019 «Winners»
Directors: Angelina Nikonova, Aleksandr Baranov
2019 «Baker and Beauty»
Director: F. Stukov
2019 «Winners»
Director: A. Galin, A. Nikonova
2018 «The Road to Calvary»
Director: K. Khudyakov
2017 «Blockbuster»
Director: R. Volobuev
2016 «About Love»
Director: V. Bortko
2016 «Superbad»
Director: D. Suvorov
2016 «Pure Art»
Director: R. Davletyarov
2015 Secrets of the CIty of N
Director: N. Khomeriki
2015 «No Coincidence Meeting»
Director: I. Kitaev


2015 «Horoscope for Luck»
Director: A. Gevorgyan
2015 «Love with and without an Accent»
Director: K. Oganesyan
2014 «The Green Carriage»
Director: O. Asadulin
2014 «The Calculator»
Director: D. Grachev
2013 «Thaw»
Director: V. Todorovsky
2013 «Christmas Trees-3»
Directors: L. Gabriadze, D. Kisilev, A. Kott, E. Telegina
2013 «Pure Art»
Director: R. Davletyarov
2013 «Marseille»
Director: I. Kitaev
2012 «It All Started in Harbin…»
Director: L. Zisman
2012 «Ticker»
Director: D. Iosifov
2012 «The Ballad of Uhlans»
Director: O. Fisenko
2012 «Spy»
Director: A. Andriyanov
2011 «Christmas Trees-2»
Directors: D. Kiselev, A. Kott, A. Baranov, L. Gabriadze
2010 «Tower»
Director: Denis Neymand
2007 «Labyrinths of Love»
Director: S. Kurbanov
2007 «Men’s Season 2. Time of Anger»
Directors: O. Stepchenko, A. Petrukhin
2005 «Jacked – Pulp Russia»
Director: O. Stepchenko
2005 «Men’s Season. Velvet Revolution»
Director: O. Stepchenko
2004 «Silver Lily-of-the-Valley 2»
Director: T. Keosayan
2004 «Operation “Color of the Nation”»
Director: G. Nikolaenko
2004 «Dear Masha Berezina»
Directors: A. Plotkina, E. Dvigubskaya, P. Krotenko, R. Nesterenko


2022 «Cyrano de Bergerac»
Director: Egor Peregudov
2022 «Mowgli generation»
Director: Konstantin Khabenskiy

2021 «Bumbarash Passion»
Director: Vladimir Mashkov
2020 «And Then There Were None»
Director: Vladimir Mashkov
2017 «Kinaston»
Director: Evgeny Pisarev


2016 «Nameless Star»
Director: A. Marin
2015 «Men and women»
Director: A. Kholina
2014 «Three Sisters»
Director: A. Marin
2012 «King Lear»
Director: K. Bogomolov
2010 «WONDERLAND-80»
Director: K. Bogomolov
2010 «Confessions of Felix Krull»
Director: A. Zhitinkin
2009 «Amadeus»
Director: M. Rozovsky
2009 «Albatross Dance»
Director: O. Topolyansky
2009 «Wolves and Sheep»
Director: K. Bogomolov
2009 «The Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro»
Director: K. Bogomolov
2008 «Olesya»
Director: O. Nevmerzhitskaya
2008 «The Marriage of Belugin»
Director: S. Puskepalis


2021 Award of the President of the Russian Federation for young cultural luminaries
for performing the roles of classical and modern repertoire in theater and cinema
2019 Nomination for the Golden Eagle Award
Best Actress in a Television Series (The Road to Calvary))

2015 Nomination for the Golden Eagle Award
Best Actress in a Television Series (Thaw)
2016 Nomination for the Golden Eagle Award
Best Supporting Actress (No Borders)
2010 Award of Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper
Best Supporting Actress/Beginners (Wolves and Sheep play)